
Register for our Glow in the Dark 5k Now!

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While we want to happily announce how you can register for our Be a Firework glow-in-the-dark 5k run today, we want to first say that our hearts are just simply devastated over the tornado destruction that has so greatly affected our home state.  Our prayers are going up, especially on behalf of the families whose children are unaccounted for at this moment.  Justin and I know all too well the heart-wrenching pain that comes with knowing your children are in danger, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  May God’s grace pour out on each and every victim and sustain them like only He can do!

You can now register for our Be a Firework glow-in-the-dark 5k run now!

Be A Firework! glow-in-the-dark 5k Run  

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Woodward High School parking lot – 2406 13th St / USDA Field Station Trails

Race packet pick-up begins at 8:00pm – Race to start at sunset (Approx.9:00pm)

Registration Fee:  $50.00 – Includes T-Shirt and glow in the dark items

Registration Deadline:  Friday, July 26, 2013 to guarantee a t-shirt, medal, and glow in the dark items
Late Registration up to the time of the race:  $55.00 – no guarantee of t-shirt, medal, and glow-in-the dark items

To Register, Click on the Link Below.  Fill out the form.  Email it back to me or mail it PO Box 2017 Woodward, OK 73802.  Checks made payable to Eden’s Fireworks Foundation.  Credit Cards accepted on our PayPal account.  Simply click our DONATE button on our Be a Firework page.  Reference your payment as 5k.  Hard copies of the registration form also available at Cafe Eden, 1018 Main St in Woodward, OK.

5K Flyer

Again, we are still looking for corporate sponsors for this 5k run.  Please contact us if you are interested in helping our first event become a huge success.  There are a lot of childhood cancer warriors who need a little love and a little hope!!

Look Alive!

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